Epistum Cloud

  •  The first solution on the market of Cloud partnership program of the Macedonian Telecom
  • Ideal for training of employees; adjusted for business users in Macedonia with standard features, Macedonian interface, intuitive to use.

In order to improve the services and products designed for business users, Macedonian Telecom started offering the first solution of its Application Cloud Partnership Program – EPISTUM Cloud.  EPISTUM Cloud is a solution that uses the infrastructure of the Macedonian Telecom, and is intended for educational institutions and companies that organize training and education for its employees.

EPISTUM Cloud is a web-based solution for distance learning that allows storage and administration of educational and interactive courses, as well as interaction among students and trainers.

With EPISTUM Cloud users can create an accessible, high quality and customized online courses and tests. They can receive detailed reports about student’s progress and improvement. The system is designed to store all educational materials in one place, with access to them at any time and from any place. The courses can be conducted using interactive exercises, tests, video conferences, wiki option and learning materials.

“Knowledge and information are treasure that never loses value and gives certainty in our lives. It brings the reserve of knowledge, experience and skills. Believing that education is a prerequisite for prosperity of any company or individual, we are satisfied that we can we can offer the first solution from our Cloud partnership program to our business customers. This solution allows companies to educate their employees hereupon reducing costs for expensive trainings, courses and travel expenses, bypassing the distance as an obstacle “- said Slobodanka Jakimovska Josifovic – Manager of business development and ICT services and solutions in the Macedonian Telecom.

To use EPISTUM Cloud service you need to subscribe to EPISTUM Base that provides access to the system, five user licenses and courses for administrator and methodology for making e-courses. Interactive trainings are created quickly and simply for timely and quality delivery of information related to the new procedures to the key employees.

Through the EPISTUM Cloud, users can keep full records of the development of each employee, with easy adjustment of tests for better results in time, scope and organizational structure. It offers an option for evaluation tests with detailed reports on the results of every employee and quickly and easily assess whether the employee has a good knowledge of the key area.

“With EPISTUM Cloud you don’t have to be on the same location with all course participants to maintain or to attend the lecture. This web solution offers a virtual video and audio space for online communication, as well as platform for placing interactive courses, tests and surveys through which you can share knowledge quickly and easily. This is the perfect tool to introduce the newly-employed with all the processes of the company, and quickly and efficiently they become familiar with work responsibilities that are expected to fulfill.”- said Mr. Tomislav Zografski – CEO of iVote.

For more information, call the toll free number 0800 10800
