The most eminent business magazine KAPITAL features an article about building strong and recognizable brands. Prof. Ljupcho Antovski, the iVote co-founder and board member gives his point of view and shares iVote’s experience about developing and creating strong brands.

“iVote foundation is based on our brands. The IT sector is a very competitive industry. With the positioning of our brands Demokra, Epistum and Cisum, we recognized sound business possibilities and materialized the approach of being first, innovative and always with lucrative proposals for our clients. Our brands are functionally sophisticated, but with our brand strategy approach we have achieved a perceptual sophistication of our brands in the eyes of our clients. That is a huge iVote asset.”- said prof. Ljupcho Antovski.

In the article, the iVote founder underscore that being successful means delivering solutions tailored to customer needs that add value, save their time and bring bigger remuneration. iVote’s approach is based on detecting gaps in the software solution market and filling it with innovative, state of the art solutions, thus assuring competitive advantage of their own products and brands.

You can read the full article in the November edition of Kapital or click here.