iBallot module
This is a module for registering the citizens that are abroad at the moment in order to enable them to vote in the Consulate Offices of the Country around the world. The person will need to fill an electronic form with the following data: Name, Surname, Date of birth, Address (where the iBallot consignment will be sent) and e-mail (where the security code will be sent). When all the data are entered, a notification for every electronic form will be sent to the Central Election Commission. The module performs automatic validation and revision of the entered data; and then the results from this validation is sent to the responsible member of the CEC. (The person that checks the validity of the form). If the person has no right to vote the e-mail will contain the reasons for the rejection of his application. On the contrary if the citizen has the right to vote he/she will receive an e-mail with all the necessary instructions. In this e-mail a security PIN code is also sent, with which the voter will be able to receive the electronic form of the ballot. The voter will receive the ballots for the appropriate election races (for which he/she has a right to vote). The voter receives these ballots, but won’t be available to open them without entering the security code. This security code (for unlocking the document with ballots) is sent by the CEC in an envelope on the address specified by the voter. Only after the receiving of this envelope and successful entering the code, the ballots can be opened. The ballot needs to be printed by the applicant. He/she fulfills the right to vote with sending the filled ballot to the appropriate consulate.